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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Five Caregiving Steps For Home Safety

When an elder's health condition could need emergency care at home caregivers can take the following safety steps. (1) First, put a Vial of Life information form on the fridge door so paramedics can quickly get information about medicines, health conditions, doctors, emergency numbers and allergies.

(2) Next, create a caregiving notebook with dividers and information about the following. Put the notebook in the kitchen in a prominent place so paramedics can see it without searching.
A. health conditions, diagnoses, allergies, medical history
B. medicines, instructions and dosages
C. emergency phone numbers, doctors, health professionals, relatives, friends
D. info regarding power of attorney
E. healthcare directive and instructions
F. an ongoing journal to list important information, falls, illnesses, other events

(3) Put a large calendar on the wall or fridge and list doctor's appointments and tests, health related information, and events.

(4) Get a plastic pill packer with 7 days a week plus dividers for 4 times a day to separate the pills. This will ensure medicine times don't get confused or medicines don't get skipped.

(5) Get one of the medic alert home systems with an easy to press button worn around the neck or on the wrist so help can be summoned quickly, especially if someone lives alone.

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