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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Living With a Sense of Mission, a Vision, During Senior Years

Life's journey as a spiritual being living in a physical world has a sense of mission and a vision for many people. They dedicate themselves to making a difference for others, perhaps for people, animals, or the environment. These missions in life, meaningful and rewarding, continue on in the senior years. It's a way to think outside of our own wants, our own selves.

There are so many places where help is needed in the world, where crises have hit, where someone is hungry or ill, where people or animals are suffering. It's easy to lose focus and be overwhelmed by one's own problems. But looking at things from the bigger picture gives everything a different perspective.

In the senior years retirement, chronic health issues, and fading hope to achieve lifelong goals are issues and challenges. But new rewards and meanings in life can come from seeking new missions, new visions.

As the saying goes, it's not over till it's over. There's always a fresh new start somehow.

Something unexpected can still occur, new doors open, new journeys in life begin again.

It's easy to get stuck with your usual ways of doing things and we seniors are professionals at this. Seniors often say they hate change.

But I am reminding myself to bend with the wind, be ready to start flowing in a new way, and be open to change. Just because I always did something the same way is no reason to keep doing it that way.

Readers, do you have a story about how you made changes in your senior years, anytime after 50, and about the new doors that opened, the new missions and visions? If so please tell us about it in the comment section below or send it to me, Kristi, at If you would like to have it published here I would be glad to do that. Let me know whether you wish to remain anonymous or use your name. Thanks and best wishes, Kristi

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