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Monday, November 12, 2007

National Memory Screening Day Is November 13, 2007 - The First Step Towards Getting Help

National Memory Screening Day is tomorrow, November 13, 2007. Spearheaded by the Alzheimer's Foundation of America, and it is now presented as a shared effort by a group of organizations. If someone you know has any of the warning signs of memory issues this is the chance to get more information. Below are some of the signs listed at the Alzheimer's Foundation of America that it is time for a memory screening.

  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty performing tasks
  • Difficulty remembering words or names
  • Forgetting where you are
  • Misplacing things
  • Getting lost in a familiar place
  • Mood or personality changes

If someone you know has been avoiding getting a memory screening then Nov. 13 provides a good opportunity to get one without actually having to go to the doctor's office. Screenings are held in a variety of locations and health professionals from a number of related careers provide the memory screening.

You can go to the to look for the locations of memory screening sites. You can also call your local Seniors' Center as they often have this type of information and may well be participating in the screening.

The screening is held in a private setting. Questions or tasks test memory, language, thinking, and other mental skills. The results are confidential.

According to the Alzheimer's Foundation other warning signs of dementia can include the following.

Relying on memory helpers

Depression or irritability

Seeing or hearing things

The site explains that depression, vitamin deficiencies or thyroid problems can also cause memory issues and that after a screening the next step is to see a doctor for further tests.

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