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Saturday, August 18, 2007

"Self-Care for Caregivers" Guide

The book "Self-Care for Caregivers - A Twelve Step Approach" by Pat Samples, Diane Larsen, and Marvin Larsen advises caregivers on "how to stay strong and sane while providing healthy support and love".

The book is available at where you can read more about it.

Chapters of the book cover topics such as "What's Expected of a Caregiver" and "Where the Problems Start".

We have all heard about the recent article on CNN about Caregivers Syndrome and a book on self-care is a good addition for your caregiver support library. Taking good care of yourself is something that you deserve, and it will help you to take care of others.

Caregivers often don't want to take time for themselves or they are focused on others and do not notice their own fatigue. I've done this. But now self-care is one of my priorities. The seniors who are assisted by me will appreciate me more when I'm energetic and fresh.

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